Taking a Peek Inside: Understanding Hysteroscopy

What is it?

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to examine the inside of your uterus (womb) using a thin, lighted telescope called a hysteroscope. Think of it like a tiny camera inserted through your vagina and cervix.

Why is it done?

Hysteroscopy helps diagnose and treat various conditions like:

  • Abnormal bleeding: Heavy, irregular, or postmenopausal bleeding.
  • Fibroids and polyps: Growths in the uterus that can cause pain or bleeding.
  • Scar tissue: Adhesions or septum that might affect fertility.
  • Endometriosis: Tissue lining the uterus growing outside it.

How is it performed?

  1. Preparation: You might need general anesthesia and an empty bladder.
  2. Insertion: The doctor gently inserts the hysteroscope through your vagina and cervix.
  3. Examination: Saltwater expands the uterus for a clear view. The doctor examines the lining and takes pictures if needed.
  4. Biopsy (optional): A small tissue sample might be collected for further testing.
  5. Treatment (optional): If possible, polyps, adhesions, or septum can be removed during the procedure.
  6. Recovery: You might experience mild cramping or spotting that goes away quickly.

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