What is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy removes the uterus, the organ responsible for menstruation and pregnancy. It's performed for various reasons, including:

Treating conditions: Endometriosis, uterine cancer, fibroids, heavy bleeding, chronic pelvic pain.

Managing cancer risk: In specific cases.

Types of Hysterectomy:

Each type offers unique benefits and risks. Discuss with your doctor to choose the best option for you:

Total Hysterectomy: Removes the entire uterus and cervix.

Subtotal Hysterectomy: Leaves the cervix in place.

Radical Hysterectomy: Used for some cancers, removing the uterus, cervix, surrounding tissues, and lymph nodes.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Minimally invasive surgery through small incisions.

Vaginal Hysterectomy: Removal through the vagina.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Is it major surgery?

While significant, advancements make it relatively safe and common. Recovery time depends on the type of surgery.

2. Can I still have orgasms?

Yes, in most cases, but sensations might change. Discuss this with your doctor.

3. How long is recovery?

Recovery varies based on the procedure and your health. Expect weeks to months for full recovery. Rest and follow your doctor's instructions.

4. Will I still have periods?

No, as the uterus is removed, menstruation ceases. However, if ovaries are left, you may experience menopausal symptoms.

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